
How to get the most out of your training sessions

    Summer is almost upon us and if you're planning on jetting off to somewhere fabulously exotic in the coming months, you might be upping your exercise in order to feel your best in a bikini. Anya Lahiri, the head trainer at Barry's Bootcamp London, has shared her top tips for toning up. 

    "Make sure you include a mixture of HIIT and weighted resistance into your workouts," Anya says. "The cardio is great for fat-burning and cardiorespiratory health but the resistance will turn your body into a fat-burning machine post-workout, a winning combination!"

    We all know going to the gym alone can be daunting, but Anya insists that going with a friend can actually help to keep you motivated. She adds: "Your workouts will not only become more fun but you'll also have someone to keep you on track." 

    Another great way is to join a fitness class like Barry's which has a strong community to support you through your exercise journey. "It's easy to get carried away during a workout, but Anya explained that it's actually more beneficial to split your muscle groups across different days – so, for example, arms and abs one day, bum and legs another. 

    Do you even lift? The heavyweights aren't just for the boys, ladies! Anya explains: "In a typical Barry's class, you should be exhausting the muscle group to failure and have to take breaks. If you don't have to stop and recharge, the weights are too light!" 

    And finally, don't forget to recharge after your workouts. It's important to refuel your body with protein to repair the muscles. Anya says: "If you're lacking energy, listen to your body and get some carbs in – whole wheat, brown rice or sweet potato – before class so you can lift heavier and run faster."


    Aldo Pusey

    Update: 2024-01-30